In einem Prüfungsraum legt eine Gruppe internationaler Studierender den C-Test an Laptops ab.

Time to fill the gaps - research project funded by the DFG

Deutsche Version

A mixed-methods study into the role of the time variable in the construct of computerized C-Tests in three languages

The C-Test is a cloze test that is often used for placement purposes at universities and language centers.

Our project is concerned with the influence of time on the C-Test. We are investigating a new computer-based, time-reduced C-Test, the so-called speeded C-Test (S-C-Test) in German, English and Russian. Certainly, such a test will allow faster and more efficient performance. At the same time, we want to better understand the role of time in the test construct. Indeed, it may be that the S-C test captures different abilities than the traditional C-Test.

We want to investigate this in three different languages with learners at different language levels.

The project is funded by the German Research Foundation and started in May 2022 with a duration of three years.